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Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile Picture - 2016

Brown Design Corp. has experienced steady growth since its inception in 1999 and currently serves Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut.  The firm’s diverse clientele includes Architects, Engineers, Developers,Universities, Business Owners, Home Owners, Municipalities, Non-profit Groups, etc.  The experience of the firm encompasses analysis, planning, design, and construction documentation for a wide range of project types, sizes, and specialties.


Brown Design Corp. believes in strong written and graphic communication of ideas and information to give clients a sense of complete involvement and understanding throughout the entire process.  BDC uses the latest technology to prepare, share, and present project progress. BDC stays on the cutting edge of trends in the industry to remain current and competitive in the market place.


Brown Design Corp. is committed to applying the level of attention and detail to all aspects of a project to create a complete, integral, and successful solution.  As Landscape Architects, our knowledge and experience provide design solutions, which cohesively address the function and aesthetics of projects through a balanced understanding of built and living systems.  BDC seeks to engage in creative and collaborative projects where the firm’s strengths, abilities and understanding of the land will enhance and enrich the built environment.